kites can't jive (May 2020)
May was all about catchy, guitar-drive tunes (and a band whose name you can’t say in polite company). Lot of local artists too: what better time to discover the artists around you than when you can’t go see any of them live?
I discovered some great acts. dave the band and Suss Cunts are both Australian and Molly Payton is from New Zealand. Close enough.
Here are my musical highlights for May.
Yoch! Bangers, Vol. 1 by dave the band. Catchy indie rock with an Aussie pub rock twist.
Temper – EP by Suss Cunts. “Vaxxer” is an anthem for the misinformation age.
Mess – EP by Molly Payton. Molly Payton is going to be a big deal.
Stranger Fruit by Zeal & Ardor. Combine old school blues and black metal but make it work. It took me four years to come around to Zeal & Ardor.
I Laughed, U Cried, We Swapped. by cbakl. Stylish instrumental hip-hop for when you want people to think you’re cooler than you really are.
I update the playlist as I stumble on music I like. Check it out.
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